7 Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood

If you are like most people, you have wondered how to get out of a bad mood as quickly and effectively as possible. It is awfully easy to get into a bad mood yet quite difficult to emerge feeling genuinely positive. As is commonly said, if there is a will, there is a way. Be proactive, focus on what you can do to emerge from your bad mood and you will make headway toward improving your day and possibly even spread positive vibes to those in your vicinity. Here’s how to do it.

A bad mood is like bad breath. Both are wrong to inflict onto others. – Dennis Prager

Go for a Walk or Bike Ride

Instead of dwelling on the negativity that has shifted your mood, focus on the positive. Do something involving physical activity to get your mind off of the stimuli that caused your dour mood to start with. Even if you aren’t physically fit, you can go for a walk or ride your bike. Soak up some sun, breathe in the fresh air and your thoughts will gravitate toward something aside from what originally sent you into the downward spiral.

“A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke” – Scott Stoll

Watch Your Favorite Movie

Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood watch movie

Segue to the living room, load up your favorite movie, kick back and relax. Your favorite flick will help you focus on something that provides joy rather than dwelling on the negative. If you don’t have a favorite movie, put on a comedy. Laughing releases those happy chemicals in the brain dubbed “endorphins”, helping you feel that much more positive.

Here’s some of Movie recommendations :

The Best Movies of 2021

Read a Book

Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood read book

The worst thing you can do after getting into a bad mood is obsess over what caused the mood shift. Reading through page after page of search results after searching for “how to get out of a bad mood” is also a flawed approach. Instead, mentally pivot to a good book and your thoughts won’t drift back to the cause of your bad mood. Studies show those who read novels are that much more empathetic, meaning they identify with others and are more willing to develop an understanding of those around them rather than strictly focusing on oneself.

Here’s some of book recommendations :

34 Great Books to Suit Any Mood or Interest

Call an Old Friend You Haven’t Talked to in a While

Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood invite friends

Talking on the phone isn’t nearly as common as it was in years past. However, people still appreciate interacting with friends and acquaintances over the phone. Even if you or those in your social circle don’t enjoy speaking on the phone, chances are you will enjoy interacting face-to-face through video chat on Zoom, Apple FaceTime or a similar service. Shift the focus from your troubles to the happenings in your friend’s life, reminisce about positive experiences and you’ll feel better right away.

Talking with an old friend over the phone or through a video conference also presents the opportunity to broach the subject of the cause of your bad mood. However, don’t jump right into what is causing your personal troubles. Chew the metaphorical fat with your friend, listen as they discuss what is going on in their own life and resist the temptation to mentally offload your negative vibes. If you suspect verbalizing the cause of your bad mood or asking your friend for guidance will help, broach the subject later in the conversation and see where it takes you.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

– C.S. Lewis

Listen to Music That Makes You Happy

Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood play music

Neuroscientists have found that listening to one’s favorite music produces responses in the brain similar to those that occur when engaging in sexual intercourse. Strap on the headphones, turn up the volume on your playlist, close your eyes and it won’t take long to transition from a bad mood to a good mood.

Here’s some of the free apps where you can listen to you favorite music :

The best free music apps for iOS and Android

Play With Your Pets

Ways To Get Out of a Bad Mood play with pets

Playtime with your furry friend will help you feel better without delay. Grab a ball, frisbee or other toy, head on out to a green space and have fun with your dog. If you are a cat owner, grab a cat wand, ball or yarn and have an indoor play session. Playing with your pet is mutually beneficial to both of you, uplifting your spirit as well as that of your dog, cat or other pet.

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